TheFashionForMen – For me grooming is not just the appearance that is directly exposed to others, but also the appearance that hidden behind the clothes. People often forget that, but it is very important. Therefore, here we will discuss six parts of the body that often forgotten. None of these should be neglected when you are showering. If anything, think of this as an excuse to spend more time in the shower! I know I will be, having just invested in a frameless glass shower from the glass shower direct website.
1) Armpit
Ethically it should not be any hair that grows in parts that never shown, like armpit. Always shave your armpits, and keep the cleanliness to not cause body odor. For that reason, always use deodorant before starting activity. In “6 Precious Items to Keep Stylish While Traveling“, deodorant is one of must have item.
2) Behind the ear
Most people forget to clean this part, because they accustomed to underestimate the back of the ear. whereas if it had never been cleaned, this section can be seen dirty and disturbing. Therefore, clean regularly when bathing.
3) Clean your back
Back is the most difficult part to reach when bathing, but you have to clean it optimally. You can use foam sticks to specifically clean this part. When massage, ask to always scrub your back.
4) Crotch
Secret areas that must be cleared if you do not want your spouse lose sex appetite tonight. Try to always shave around it, and wash with clean water after pee. Please do not traipse!
5) Feet
Do not forget to clean your palm. Although this advice looks childish for you, there are many men who do not do it. Look the cleanliness of the spaces between your fingers, rarely guys pay attention to such detail part.
6) Nail
If you do not like cleaning or caring for your nails, then the best way is to cut your nails regularly. Show that you are a person who loves cleanliness and care about your health.