Top Mistakes Made By Men With Patchy Beards
1. You’re Not Giving Your Beard Enough Time to Grow
Growing a beard takes time. Not only that, but every man’s hair is going to grow at a different rate. So if you and a buddy both begin a ‘No Shave November’ at the same time, one of you will likely be rocking a full mane long before the other.
Ultimately, it’s fully up to you whether or not a small patch in your beard is a make it or break it type of deal for you. There are many men out there who go about their daily lives rocking a beard with a few patches (celebrities included). It’s possible that this patch will fill in over time, or as your beard becomes fuller the patch will become unnoticeable. Don’t forget, everyone goes through the awkward stages of beard growth. So give it some time before you decide to abort your bearded mission all together.
2. You’re Falling Victim to Growth Supplement Scams
With the bearded look growing in popularity year after year, more companies enter the market with all sorts products claiming incredible beard growth potential. Do not fall for these magic potions! There is no such thing as a magic pill or oil that is going to give you the full mane you’ve always dreamed of in no time. These companies are preying on the insecurities of us men and providing us with false claims and fake before and after photos to try to make a buck.
Just like there is no magic pill for weight loss, there is no magic pill for hair growth. So much of beard growth depends on your genetics. If your family is full of baby-faced men, don’t be shocked when you haven’t shaved for a month and are left with only a few stray hairs. No product is going to alter your genes to all-of-the-sudden give you the power to grow a full beard that would put Gandalf to shame.
What foods your putting into your body, and how much exercise you get can have a real affect on your beard. Make sure to follow a somewhat balanced diet that’s rich in healthy fats can promote beard health. We’re talking foods like salmon, avocado and nuts.
Stress is also something that affects the quality of your beard. Wirey hair and hair loss are said to be linked with the production of the stress hormone cortisol. So if you are to use a supplement, then a Vibes CBD product to reduce stress hormone production would be the way to go ( Yes, there are things you can do to promote healthy growth and help your beard’s overall appearance, but only once you’ve already grown a beard on your own accord. You won’t magically grow one overnight with a hocus pocus lotion.
3. You’re Not Taking Proper Care of Your Beard
Yes, there is no such thing as a magic beard oil that will make your beard grow faster or make your beard more dense. However, using things like all-natural beard oil and beard balm can help improve your overall beard and skin health. Applying a beard oil or beard balm daily (depending on what type of style and hold you’re looking for) will moisturize your beard and the skin underneath, which is something that both crave.
If you’re someone who does happen to be rocking a patch or two in your beard, you definitely want to make sure you’re keeping your skin healthy since it is more visible after all. Be sure when you apply your beard oil that you’re massaging it in all the way down to the hair follicle. This will allow moisture to reach the skin and the massaging helps stimulate the hair follicles to promote hair growth.
Make sure that you’re investing in high quality, all natural products, because it is your face that we’re talking about here. If you buy cheap products filled with chemicals and unknown ingredients, your skin isn’t going to be happy with you and your beard isn’t going to look it’s best. You should be using a natural beard oil such as these using only the highest quality natural ingredients and made by hand.

4. You’re Not Getting Quality Sleep
This may sound cheesy, but proper beard care really does start when you wake up and fall asleep. How much sleep you get each night affects your levels of stress which in turn can affect how “wirey” your beard is and the amount of split ends you make.
Getting enough sleep in your life is going to assist in maintaining stress levels as well as help to prevent anxiety and depression. Preventing these things not only has a major impact on your mental health, but your physical health as well. A luscious beard often shows how healthy you are inside and out.
Start with your mattress. Is it older than 8 years? Chuck it out and look at something like this Sleep Republic Mattress Review to replace it. A hard and lumpy mattress means you’re not getting good sleep at all. Also, make sure that your bed doesn’t make any creaking sounds and call a carpenter to make repairs if it does. Should the bed still make annoying noises that disturb your sleep, you may want to buy a new one (consider looking at sleep Education guide bed reviews before you buy) free from such problems. Next, remove all distractions from your bedroom at least an hour before bedtime to help you achieve sleep. If you’re still having problems you may want to see if a doctor can recommend something to help you relax, or take a look at something like the Forbes best CBD oil UK list to choose yourself something natural, and make taking care of your mental health a top priority.
5. You’re Too Busy Comparing Your Beards to Others
It’s often said that comparison is the thief of joy, so don’t compare your beard journey to another Bastard’s! You should be on this beard growth journey because it’s something you want, not because you think your friends or coworkers will respect you more or find you more attractive if you’re rocking a full Paul Bunyan.
As we mentioned earlier, every man is different and therefore is going to grow a beard at a different rate. Not only that, but every man’s beard is going to have a different look and feel based on their genetics and overall sense of style. In the end, it’s all about confidence and how you rock your beard, patches or not.