The Fashion For Men - Do you want to make a fashion statement or sending a message to others? Remember that color talks! We have learn the basic in fashion color wheel, haven't we? Sometimes you can't say what you had in mind or different with others says about you. Colors not only raise our look, but also influence our mannerism. It’s your call to consider the responses to … [Read more...]
4 Essentials Tips Of Men’s Shorts
The Fashion For Men - Men's shorts is one of the most comfy and casual style. You can wear it in the beach or other vacations. I love to wearing this, especially in my holiday, but still, watch your overall outfit. How about you? History - Tight pants which was worn with hose named breeches popular in the late of 14th to 16th centuries. - In 1863, knickerbockers were the … [Read more...]
A To Z : Men’s Oxford Shoes
The Fashion For Men - When gentleman talk about classy meets classic, then men's oxford shoes has its place. In this session, TFFM will tell you a story about history, lace up systems, and the oxford shoes style. After you learn about the shoes, you can find the dress socks to complete your journey. Enjoy it! History - Saddle shoes character or people used to say saddle … [Read more...]
Men’s Sandals? Why Not?
The Fashion For Men - It's time for vacation, which means casual style will take over. We will discuss about more relaxing style, men's sandals. Lets go guys! History - The word sandal comes from Latin "sanis" which means a thong attached to a board of leather. - Greeks took care ot their feet by adapting their footwer for every activity, and "solea" or sandals is one of … [Read more...]
5 Important Tips Of Men’s Business Shirts
The Fashion For Men - When important people meet each others, they need special weapon to give some authority. No, not a rifle or bazooka. They need special business shirts to boost their looks and performance. Well, in previous time we talked about dress shirt guidelines. And now, we go to next level, which is business shirts! History - Brook Brothers was born in 1850, it … [Read more...]
Gentleman Won’t Be Perfect Without The Right Shirt Buttons
The Fashion For Men - When I child, a question jumped in my mind: Why do men's clothes button different with women? Do you realize that they are opposite each others? Hundred years ago, buttons were sewn on the right hand side of men's garments and the left side of women from 15th century. The reason was nobleman usually dressed without servants, it's easier for right … [Read more...]
Perfect Style With Men’s Dress Socks
The Fashion For Men - This little stuff has important role in the way you dress. Without knowing the story behind the dress socks and its rules, your appearance will be a disaster even if it's just custom face socks from your father's day present. Therefore, never underrate dress socks or you will be regret for the rest of your life! Woah! History - If you ever knew word … [Read more...]
Men’s Jacket Guide To Be A Fashion Guru
The Fashion For Men - To keep stylish and keep you warm, then pay attention to your jacket is a must, it is the other alternatives than coat. This article is fundamental about men's jacket guide to be a fashion guru. Enjoy it! History - The name of "jacket" is from the Old French "jacquette" which is the diminutive of "jaque" - In the 15th to mid 17th century, Jerkin … [Read more...]
The Ultimate Sunglasses Guide For Men
The Fashion For Men - Gentleman always pay attention with every details, including when choosing sunglasses. However, many folks underestimated the way they choose this stuff. There are a lot of different types of sunglasses now available to us, some of which you may be able to find here - So, here are the ultimate sunglasses guide for men … [Read more...]
The Rules Of Quality Men’s Dress Shirt Components
The Fashion For Men - Even the most expensive men's dress shirt will looks bad if you get the wrong style of its part. If you want to be the real gentleman, you have to understand quality men's dress shirt components. This article is the advanced method from basic dress shirt guidelines before. History - In the first time of human's outfit, people worn animal skin to warm … [Read more...]
Fashion Fundamental Of Cufflinks For Men
The Fashion For Men - Cufflinks is the best classy style for fastening shirt's French cuff. It keeps your French cuff fastened and add luxurious jewelry at your wrist. Beginning in two centuries ago, cufflinks were made from gold, silver, and no limitation of the shape. When Faberge did jewelry work for the Russian czar's family, it is the birth of enamel … [Read more...]
Stylish Coat Is The Real Men’s Weapon
The Fashion For Men - Coats are loose outer garments made to be worn over other garments and protect us from the other elements. They can be worn when the weather is cool for participating or watching sports, social events, or work that doesn't involve wearing a suit and can be long or short. And more, women love man who can wear coat properly. History - The words coat … [Read more...]
Short Men Clothing Style – 5 Factors You Should Understand
The Fashion For Men - Some of the most famous men in history were short, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis XIV, Anthony “Spud” Webb, and Adolf Hitler. Did their outfit is bad? Absolutely No. However we won't discuss about the history because its not our topic, but it told us that short men clothing style is very important. 1. Suit Style and Leather Jacket The best option … [Read more...]
The Basic Difference Between Men’s Hats And Caps
The Fashion For Men - Hats and caps wore by people for its function and style. The function is to protect from the heat of the sun or to provide warmth. For fashion, it can give an authority like policeman's cap or to express their self through the top part of your body, especially if someone has got theirs from a customised caps printing service and had full say on the design … [Read more...]
Great Men’s Belts Means Incredible Fashion Statement
The Fashion For Men - Colleague around you always notice what you wear in the center of body. Yeap, they will notice belts in you pants. Their eye will see the belts automatically, because its contrast color compare to the rest of your attires. You have to understand that belts function is not only to hold up your slacks or jeans, but more importantly men's belts give strong … [Read more...]