The Fashion For Men - Not everyone can get fit in the morning to give the best shoot, whether it's because get drunk in the night before or a messy day that make you can't sleep well. But you have to get ready in the morning to do your daily activities and keep sharp. Therefore, this 5 grooming tips in the morning will help you 1. When take a bath, watch this ... Use the … [Read more...]
Natural Grooming: Cucumber Benefits For Skin
The Fashion For Men - The best care product is the natural one because it does not have a bad side effect. Everyone wants flawless skin and most would do anything to not have any imperfections. Drinking plenty of water and introducing supplements like aloe vera powder into your diet can encourage flaws to disappear. There are also other natural products that can be used … [Read more...]
The Power Of Men Perfumes With Pheromones
The Fashion For Men - The term "pheromone" was announced to the scientific literature by Karlson and Luscher. They said: "a substance secreted by an animal to the outside of that individual‚ which is then received by another individual‚ classically of the same species‚ which then elicits some behavioral or developmental response in the latter." Pheromones effect The … [Read more...]
5 Important Tips on How To Shave Pubes
The Fashion For Men - For the modern and ethical man, then you need to pay attention your pubes cleanliness. It is not visible, but it is important. In the article about 6 Parts of The Body That Often Forgotten we have discussed some of the parts that are not visible but need a lot of well treatment. Now, here are the articles about how to shave pubes. How to shave your … [Read more...]
Three Basic Black Men Grooming Tips
The Fashion For Men - Each person is different, but the most important thing is how we can make the difference to be something cool. In previous article about fashion for black gentleman, we have discussed about how to wear an awesome outfit when attending interview, and now we will discuss black men grooming part. Three Basics Black Men Grooming 1. Hair style Some … [Read more...]
Important Rules When Implementing Hairstyles For Balding Men
The Fashion For Men - Baldness is a frightening specter for every young man (me too!) and I started losing my hair at my 25. For the first, every human being feels like lost the most important stuff in the world and lost their confidence. My friend told me that many people that are facing this problem decide to use minoxidil to improve their hair loss situation. But some of my … [Read more...]
Grey Beard Styles For Gentleman – 5 Tips
The Fashion For Men - When a man enters their 40s, its common that the facial hair color turn into grey or white. Nothing to worry about your appearance, because in fact if you can take care very well it will display the mature man figure. For that, now consider how to display the grey beard styles for gentleman. 1) Lowering the neckline Folks usually lowering the neckline … [Read more...]
6 Parts of The Body That Often Forgotten
TheFashionForMen - For me grooming is not just the appearance that is directly exposed to others, but also the appearance that hidden behind the clothes. People often forget that, but it is very important. Therefore, here we will discuss six parts of the body that often forgotten. None of these should be neglected when you are showering. If anything, think of this as an excuse … [Read more...]
Honey Skincare for Men – Easy, Cheap, and Awesome
TheFashionForMen - Before everyone criticizes about my topic, let us see the facts about the great stuff called "honey" that can make you look awesome. If by the end of the post you still disagree with the use of honey, then feel free to head over to Ziampro Skin Care Products and buy perhaps the best skincare products on the market for men. Don't forget to check out other … [Read more...]
Top 10 Colognes For Men That You Should Know
TheFashionForMen - Nowadays to be a he-man means to take care of your appearance: your body, skin, hair, style and, of course, your smell. Each person is unique, so if you don't want to lose your personality and charm you shouldn't copy someone's style but work on your own. The first step on your way from an ordinary person to a confident and stylish man is choosing your … [Read more...]
The Best Haircuts for Guys With Thick Hair
TheFashionForMen - Before you think about getting a beard trimmer for your facial hair (mustache and beard), the first thing you should do is take care of your hair. If you have thick hair, the more effort it will take and it is likely that you need to spend more on better quality products like a clarifying shampoo or a silver toning conditioner. A guy with thick hair is often … [Read more...]
The Best Beard Trimmer That You Can Find
TheFashionForMen - After we discuss about the waxing for men topic, now we will suggest the tools to maintenance your beard appearance. The latest fashion accessory with the modern man is a well-kept beard and mustache. But you have to grow them first of course, which is why so many men are turning to a Beard Growth Kit to help them get there. Facial hair is becoming … [Read more...]
Waxing For Men? A Convenient Alternative To Continuous Grooming
TheFashionForMen - Waxing has over the years been primarily associated with the fairer sex. Whether under-arm or the Brazilian bikini wax, most men have never imagined the day when this would be a considered fashionable or even relevant to them. But the dimensions of male style and vogue are changing rapidly, now that we're well into the 21st century. With the advent of the … [Read more...]
5 Best Men’s Moisturizer to Make You Awesome
TheFashionForMen - Unlike women, men's skin has a much thicker outer layer which makes it tough for the ingredients of the moisturizer to penetrate deep into the skin and nourish it efficiently. The main constituents of any moisturizing lotion are lipids and ceramides which are the natural lubricants that are locked inside the men's skin but gradually gets washed away. These … [Read more...]
New Era of Modern Haircuts For Men : 8 Models
TheFashionForMen - Nowadays, haircuts for men has been influenced by the style of the famous film celebrities, musicians and soccer star players. You can find this reference in fashion magazines, fashion blogs, or television. You will be able to see this just by getting haircuts in chicago and walking into the barber's shop! For you who often confused when trying to decide the … [Read more...]